The Helium Foundation welcomes and supports contributors to the Helium ecosystem from around the world. We provide individuals and project teams with access to funding, technical support, and community resources. Everyone across the community is encouraged to submit a grant proposal based on a novel idea. The community is also welcome to submit a grant proposal addressing scoped work opportunities ****and ****bounties for technical improvements. All proposals are reviewed by the Foundation team and the Grant Committee.

<aside> 💌 Helium Foundation will reopen submission in Fall 2022. If you would like your grant proposal to be considered for funding, please hold off on submitting for now and circle back in a few weeks.


Areas of Interest

The grant program is responsible for supporting community driven progress that encourages healthy network growth. We believe the next generation of wireless innovation will be driven by people working with p2p technologies and are actively looking for teams to build the tools and applications that make the decentralized wireless future possible. Informed by this mission, the grant program has five current areas of interest:

✅ Infrastructure, Tools, & Features

✅ IoT Applications and Use-Cases

✅ Education

✅ Community & Awareness

Grant Project Inspiration

We welcome grants for these ideas or anything else that will further the adoption and growth of the Helium Network. Based on feedback from the community, here are some projects in no particular order that the Helium Foundation is keen to support.

<aside> 📢 Submit a Work Opportunity or Bounty idea to this table for someone else to see and build. Get started here 👏


Work Opportunities & Bounties Table