<aside> 👋 The Helium Foundation Grant Committee facilitates innovation across the People’s Network by participating in the process of providing promising individuals and teams with access to funding, technical support, and community resources.



🌟 Purpose & Goals

💌 Application to Join


☎️  Monthly Calls & Agenda

✍️ GitHub Repository of Grant Proposals

<aside> 🏎️ If you’re aiming to apply for a grant, head over to this guide and get started 👏


✨ Purpose & Goals

The next generation of wireless innovation will be driven by p2p technology that facilitates three overarching outcomes: decentralization, collaboration, and acceleration. These three characteristics of successful innovation are fixed guideposts that shape the grant program’s provisional funding strategy.

🧩 Decentralization

🤝 Collaboration

🚀 Acceleration

The Grant Committee is a group of decision makers that draw from these guiding principles and ensure funding goes to projects that serve the larger community and sustainability of the network.

📃 Documents

The Helium Grant Program

📆 2022 Call Schedule