<aside> 👋 The Helium Foundation LoRaWAN Committee assigns and updates frequency plan per country and region for the benefit of the Helium & LoRaWAN community at large.



🌟 Purpose & Goals 📜 HIP 45


☎️  Previous LoRaWAN Commitee Recordings

✨ Purpose & Goals

The LoRaWAN Technical Committee was formed "to help steer the Helium Network’s LoRaWAN infrastructure towards maximizing value for the LoRaWAN community at large." The committee is responsible to assign or update the frequency plan per country and region for the benefit of the Helium Ecosystem. The committee was formed after approval of HIP 45. The HIP was open from October 25th, 2021 and formally approved on February 8th, 2022.

The membership of this committee includes many other contributing (and founding) members of the LoRaWAN Alliance and as such, includes deep technical and business knowledge of the ecosystem.


HIP 46 Process - Adding NetIDs